Biodynamically charged atmospheric reorganizer
This is an atmospheric reoranizer based on the work of Wilhilm Riech. It is of my own design based upon my experience and observation of what works. It is composed of biodynamically enhanced compost blended to make orgonite. It is potentized in a Schatz Inversion mixer enhancing and blending the materials into the "etheric" levels of energy. Since the installation of this unit there has been regular thundershower activity in summer when previous cloud seeding and chemtrail activity has severly disturbed natural weather patterns. This unit in combination with the biodynamic earth healing remedies helps restore the natural energy patterns that create proper wind and rain patterns.
Clear skies again!!!
After installation of the chembuster the chemtrails no longer spread and formed the greyish cloud cover that used to be so prominent. As seen from the picture the chemtrails now twist into these corkscrew shapes and stretch out and then disappear. This occurs in a 50-100 mile radius from the chembuster. Note the edge of the blue sky and the haze, that is the edge of what the whole sky would look like without the chembuster.
blue bions |
Wilhelm Reich while working in the fields of health experimented with the process of sterilization. While doing this he discovered that as a result of the intense heat there arose these blue filamentous and round globs that he eventually named 'bions'. These were not present before the heating process, as the water was filtered and basically already sterilie. Reich found that bions were the ideal environment to re-start the growth of bacteria and eventually the whole seccession of organisms that would build upon these lower microbes. Microscopic examination of worm castings shows that the silicious particles of sand amongst the detritus exhibit this blue color instead of clear. To me this is the explanation as to why earthworm castings are such a valuable fertilzer. The worms digestive action of grinding the particles of earth together in their crops and secreting the digestive juices has the same effect as 'sterilizing' the soil. This process energizes the silica, giving it the bluish appearance of the Reich's bions. If left alone on top of the soil and compost tea or biodynamic preparations applied it is the ideal medium for growing your soil microbes...