In these times that we live in our direction toward the future seems to be on an out of control train. We must realize that we are never the victims but the creators of our daily reality. We are suffering from giving our power up to those who seek to control the natural resources of the planet for their own financial gain. They have used mass media to manipulate weak minds, they use 'economy' to control the daily ritual of human existence, they use war, famine, pollution, religion, all to control us. I find solace in that we, as a human community are waking up to the reality of our lives and this controlled existence [why else would you be reading this?]. I want to share with those who find these pages some inspirational words where I find hope and solace... Peace... sstorch
"The Verse for America" by Rudolph Steiner
May our feeling penetrate Into the center of our heart And seek, in love to unite itself With the human beings seeking The same goal,. With the spirit beings who, Bearing Grace, Strengthening us from realms of light And illuminating our love Are gazing down upon Our earnest heartfelt striving
Jasper Johns Flags, Verse for America |
Archangel Mich-a-el |
"For the Michael Age" Rudolph Steiner [from lecture series 1910]
We must eradicate from the soul All fear and terror of what comes towards Man Out of the future And we must acquire serenity In all feelings and sensations about the future We must look forward With absolute equanimity to everything that may come And we must think only that whatever comes Is given to us by a world directive full of wisdom It is part of what we must learn in this age, Namely to live out of pure trust Without any security in existence. Trust in that ever present help of the spiritual world. Truly, nothing else will do If our courage is not to fail us. And we must seek this awakening within Ourselves Every morning and every evening
Katrina... to wonder at beauty |
"At the Ringing of the Bells"
To wonder at beauty To stand guard over truth To look up to the noble To resolve on the good:
This leads the human being to purpose in living To right in his doing To peace in his feeling To light in his thinking
And teaches him trust in the working of God In all that there is In the widths of the world In the depths of the soul...
"AGuardian Angel Meditation", Rudolph Steiner
You my heavenly friend, my Angel You who've accompanied me to the earth, And you who will accompany me through the gates of death into the spirit homeland of my soul, You, you who know the paths since ancient times, Do not cease to enlighten me, to strengthen me, to council me, So that from the weaving fires of fate, I may emerge a stronger vessel of destiny and more and more learn to fill myself with the meaning of God's World goals...