Natural Science Organics Products |
Thalassa-mix |
sea-mineral supplement |
Thalassa-mix is a biodynamically enhanced sea-mineral supplement with 94 minerals that are ionically available to penetrate foliage and enter immediately into the soil foodweb and the chemical processes of the soil, plant and root interaction. The biodynamic energy stimulates soil biology and the benefits of this are increased soil structure, aids in drainage, reduces water requirements, increases root mass, increases silica within the plant aiding in fruit formation, flavour and shelf life. Thalassa-mix is born from the work of Rudolf Steiner in biodynamics, Viktor Schauberger's amazing capability and understanding of the being of Water and Maynard Murray's revolutionary perception of the benefits of the Sea, that contains and maintains the blood of the Earth. Thalassa-mix is available from half pints to 275 gallon totes. Special arrangements for 5000 gallon tankers and up. Thalassa-mix is a super saturated solution. One ounce in a gallon of water will give you a concentration of 2000 parts per million [ppm]. Pasture or turf will easily benefit and tolerate this concentration. You may want to work in the 500-1000 ppm range until some observational experience is gained from its use.
Available in: 120 ml @ $16, 473 ml @ $50, liters @ $90 plus shipping
for larger quantities contact nso. available in 55 gal units, 275 gal totes, tractor trailers [5000 gallons]
Premium Biodynamic Compost |
Premium biodynamic compost is made from cow manure bedding. These guys are fed hay, graze grass, eat veggies from the farm and ingest Thalassa-mix. Various rock dusts, clay and compost teas are regularly added to the bedding pack. When there is enough material the bedding is picked up and put in the compost yard. The biodynamic compost prepations are inserted into the pile where it cures for about one year. A very high rating for a balanced biology is demonstrated by testing by the Soil Foodweb. Use as a top dress, compost tea starter, compost starter, potting mix or tree fertilizer... use your imagination...
Available in 1.5 pound $8, 2.5 pound $14, 6.5 pound $20 plus shipping***
Genesis Compound is made from cow manure picked up from the pasture. Added to the manure is egg and oyster shell ground to a flour like consistency for ready uptake by the microbes. Various ground rock dusts, thalassa-mix. These materials are thoroughly combined and dynamized for an hour or more. When the new material is fully homogenous it is put in the Earth in a wooden, brick or terra cotta pit. I insert all the biodynamic preparations in this and it sits for 6 weeks to a year depending on season. This material can be stirred in the biodynamic fashion or used as an inoculant for compost tea. It is used at the rate of 1/3 cup per acre when stirred. If used as a compost tea inoculant, three cups with a proper food source will brew 500 gallons of quality tea. Cost is twenty dollars per unit [1/3 cup].
the "vortex brewer®" |
A new vortex brewer® body and manifold system... this unit is about seventeen gallons. The chaos chamber under the cone is lined with amethyst crystals and beach stones and the grout is infused with the biodynamic preparations, andara crystals and moldivite. It is used with a timer unit to reverse the vortexial action. This unit imbues the water with the most beneficial forces of growth as evidenced by the quality of the plants that recieve this fertilizer.
Please be aware that since we have entered into the market place in a more diversified field that there have been attempts to copy the vortex brewer®.
Although they may look the same and may even work they do not come with the support and experience that we offer at Natural Science Organics and Progress Earth. They also do not offer the quality biodynamic® preparations that we make here at Natural Science Organics.
top view of the vortex brewer® unit show the vortex fully organized and doing its work of pulling in cosmic energy. The discharge outlets are set so that three are clockwiseand three are counter clockwise.
The "vortex brewer® " was born from the inspirational work of Viktor Schauberger and Rudolph Steiner. The vortex is the eternally creative intelligence of the Univeerse. The "vortex brewer® " creates a circulation pattern that is rotational, circulational and vortexial. This is a microcosmic model of the Universe. The water is then imbued with this energy and with the dynamic quality of Natural Science Organics inoculants and composts. These units can range in size from one gallon to several thousand depending on your requirements. Call or e-mail for a consultation on your application needs.
This is a 110 gallon cone bottom tank. I fitted it out with four sets of two air diffusers that create a wall of bubbles up the sides of the tank and create a free form torroidal circulation pattern. The air pump pictured is sufficient and a slightly larger one can be used. Easily drained and cleaned with the cone bottom. cost $2100 with air pump, diffusers, drain fittings, top cover, ready to use, plus shipping to your address...
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